
  • Conditions of Use
    Flexible and Easy to Use products

Following are some of our key products and their details.  To learn more about each, please contact us with your specific requirements.

  1. eJSource: A Pricing & Value comparison engine for different cloud providers.
  2. eJBond:  Is an ERP developed for Bonded Warehouse Enterprises.
  3. eJNext: Next Generation Enterprise Landscape Prediction tool. Version 3.0 releasing soon
  4. eJYea: Maturity Assessment Modelling Tool – compare your Department Maturity against Industry competitors.

    eJYea - A maturity assessment modelling tool - Sample report

    eJYea – A maturity assessment modelling tool – Sample report


We are continually working on developing different products. Some of the products are developed in conjunction with different customers and their needs.